Monday, April 18, 2016

4/18/16 - YES!!!!!!

Sweet as!! HOWS THE FAM!!!!!?????  

MY SON HAS LEFT FOR MANU'A!!!!!!!!)':  Pres called and said that he was needed in Manu'a as a ZL, so I went with the elders in Nuuuli, the area next to ours for the last couple days, and now I'm with Elder Faalogo!! He's from New Zealand and has been out about 5 months!! 

For reals though, it was sad as to see Tuimauga leave. We literally cried....I can guarantee that that will not happen again on my entire mission. I loved that guy and we clicked as soon as he got here!! I miss him heaps, it's like having a best friend move away and you have no idea when your gonna see him again. Anyways, it was bound to happen, just wish it didn't happen like that. 

Welp, happier note!! Ray got baptized this Saturday!!!!!! IT WAS AMAZING!!!! Honestly I was so proud of him, his wife bore her testimony after he got baptized and just balled. And she's a tough one!! It was such a spiritual day and was just straight up awesome!! I just wish Elder Tuimauga could have seen it and been there!! He left Thur morning after we got the call from our ZL's on Wed! But honestly it was just amazing!! They're going to the temple in a year with their 3 kids to be sealed together!!!! Sweet as!!!!!
And we got to go to George's boxing match, along with his younger brother and Ali'i, another one of our investigators who's getting baptized the 30th!!!! SO PUMPED!!!!!!! They did AWESOME!!! All of them won!!! YESH!!!

Welp, before Elder Tuimauga left, we had a great conversation about the difference between faith and hope during our comp study Tues morning!!! We went deep into it and I can't remember heaps about it, but I do remember this....."Going along with Alma 32:28, the scripture doesn't say liken faith to a seed, but to liken "the Word", or in other words, Christ! So we began talking about how when we strengthen and apply our faith, the soil that we're planting in is our hearts. If we love and follow Christ, that is when we strengthen our relationship with Christ, therefore, the seed begins to grow! And when it it full grown, it becomes the Tree of Life. And when we are able to partake of the fruit, Eternal Life, that is when the MOST blessings of our faith in Him will come!!"
This wasn't' all of it but this is what I most remember!! 

May we always remember Him, that we may have His spirit to be with us, amen.

Love Elder Larson!!!

Got to go watch Georges boxing match!!


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