Sunday, July 17, 2016

06/27/16 - HELLO HELLO HELLO!!!!! FAMILY!!!!!!!!

Hows the fam been?!?!?

This week was This week was just miracles after miracles!! Wednesday we were E Knapp for the afternoon while we waited for his companion E Brown to get here! So we went to faafesootai a referral we got from a member family, in third ward! We went and a little 11 year old, Masi, opened up the door and then an older girl, Toai(19), came to the door and invited us in! We came in and just got to faamasani with them, and they both started to open up heaps!! They just moved here from Upolu about 2 months ago and didn't have a church to go to, so they've been searching! This last Sunday, they were going to be baptized in the LMS church, but then we showed up! To'ai then began asking us heaps of questions about us as missionaries, she wanted to know if girls go on missions, how old we had to be, what we needed to do to go on missions.....and then this....she had a dream since she was young that she would serve a mission!!! She wants to be baptized, but just wants to go to church a few times and watch a baptism before she gets baptized, but it just blew our minds!!!!!!! And then after we shared a little message with her and Masi, Masi gave us a faafetai speech like a matai!!! And then while he was thanking us, he began to cry as he thanked us for coming and sharing what we did!!!! IT WAS INSANE!!!! By far, one of the coolest mission experiences I've EVER been blessed to be apart of!!!! Then Toai was able to make it to church with us on Sunday and LOVED IT!!! And then on Sunday, we talked with Terry, and an 18 year old who's been living with his girlfriend's family cause his family has some major problems, but he wants to get baptized but he's still living with his girlfriend who wants to go on her mission! But he came on Sunday, and he just looked ticked, he walked up to us and it took a while for us to get him talking, but we finally went to a room and starting talking with him after sacrament meeting, and then he said something that made both E Faalogo's and my heart drop...."I don't want to get baptized in your church anymore, sorry for wasting your time, I don't want to live anymore." We all just kind of sat there for a little bit and then my comp and I started talking with him and we talked about how when people begin to get closer to God, Satan will work just as hard to get You away from God. So, that's when we see who has the diligence to keep going...God will never let us down if we put Him first before everything! That is the first and great commandment He has given us! And then Terry turned 180 degrees!!!!! By the time we were done, he's going to talk with his girlfriend to move out quickly so he can get baptized and then start preparing for HIS mission and leave with his girlfriend on their missions!!!! SO BLESSED TO BE ABLE TO SEE THESE CHILDREN OF GOD COMING CLOSER ONE DAY AT A TIME TO THEIR SAVIOR, REDEEMER AND MOST OF ALL, THEIR CREATOR!!!(;

And haha my quote isn't half as sweet as Yours, but I write my own quote or grab one from a conference talk, but this weeks, I just started writing, and this is what I came up with...
"Live to Love those Around Us"
So pumped to here from YOUS THIS WEEK!!!! 

Love to here from Yous in a little bit!!!! Miss Yous like CRAZY!!!!!!!

Love Elda Laason 

Just pondering on the beach

I knelt down to begin my fast after one of our feeds this week, and I set the BoM down, and after I closed my prayer, I looked down and I just HAD to take a pic!!

Clarence Crichton, Daryl's little brother, taught me how to play a couple songs on the guitar....definitely a bucket list checked off! 

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